Jacana School for Autism has a current enrolment of 212 primary, middle and secondary students, is located off the Western Ring Road, close to public transport, Broadmeadows Shopping Centre, Broadmeadows Leisure Centre and the Hume Global Learning Centre/Library. Funding from the Building the Educational Revolution provided a high quality refurbishment of the facilities. Jacana School for Autism is a Victorian State Government specialist school that exclusively addresses the educational needs of students with Autism. The school was established in 2013 to meet the needs of increasing numbers of students with Autism in the North Western Victoria Region. The school currently caters for 202 students, from 5 to 18 years of age. Jacana School for Autism is a primary and secondary years provider. The school embraces the Positive Behaviour Support philosophy and practices. Class-groups generally comprise eight students of similar chronological age. Teachers and teacher aides generally work in teams of three in each classroom, and are supported by speech and occupational therapists, specialist teachers (Physical Education, Visual and Performing Arts & Design and Technology) leading teachers and school psychologist.
- Secure, modern, age appropriate playgrounds
- Multi-purpose room/student gym
- Specialist Performing Arts room
- Specialist Visual Arts room
- Student library
- Climbing Gym
- Two occupational therapy rooms
- Student gardens
- Primary and Secondary Healthy Living Kitchens
- Community Learning Hub
- Walking/bike track including a large recreational learning space