Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is an inclusive, data driven, evidence-based framework designed to ensure that every student receives the appropriate level of support, instructional practice and adjustment to be successful. Having an MTSS approach reflects JSA’s commitment to support every child to engage in highly customised teaching and learning programs that recognise and support their learning and wellbeing needs.
MTSS centres on a strong foundation of universal, research-based approaches which increase in intensity and individualisation until the barriers to learning and wellbeing are addressed. The result is a continuum of resources, strategies and structures that directly address the academic, communication, social, wellbeing, and behavioural variances across all cohorts.
MTSS involves partnering with staff, families, service providers and the wider community to design tiers of support to address the full range of needs for our diverse learners. This Framework ensures consistency and transparency in our flexible and equitable, inclusive System.