19 – 39 Landy Road, Jacana Victoria 3047

Jacana School for Autism

(03) 9309 6258


19 – 39 Landy Road

Jacana Victoria 3047

8:00am - 4:30pm

Monday to Friday

(03) 9309 6258


19 – 39 Landy Road

Jacana Victoria 3047

07:30 - 17:00

Monday to Friday

Student Engagement & Wellbeing

Jacana School for Autism is committed to providing a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment for all students.  We understand that students reach their full potential only when they are happy, healthy and safe, and that a positive school culture, where student participation is encouraged and valued, helps to engage students and support them in their learning. Our school acknowledges that student wellbeing and student learning outcomes are closely linked.

The Multi-Tired Support System (MTSS) framework interlinks with JSA’s SW-PBS Framework, supporting staff to utilise evidence-based practices to ensure every student receives the appropriate level of support, instructions and adjustments.  This Framework represents the level of supports students and staff require. As supports increase, specific staff are allocated to identify, implement and monitor practices.

Student Transitions Coordinator

The Student Transitions Coordinator is responsible for PSD applications (including PSD reviews) and dual enrolments processes across the school. She corresponds with early intervention centres regarding enrolment processes and manages school tours for prospective families. Networks and partnerships are developed with external agencies to strengthen the provision of programs across the school.  Moreover, the role is central to building and maintaining continuity of care for students and their families, by ensuring ongoing engagement with the school and wider community. You may contact her for NDIS-related registrations, Transition and Career Action Plans development and review, as well as post-school options planning.

The Student Transitions Coordinator works closely with the Community Engagement Support Officer to support students as they transition to Jacana School for Autism from pre-school, between Jacana School for Autism and mainstream schools and from Jacana School for Autism to post-school destinations. Together they organise the annual Year 6 and Year 12 graduation events.



Primary Sub School Leader

The Primary Sub School Leader, leads and manages the day to day operations of the sub school . Their role is to improve the skill, knowledge and performance of the teaching and is responsible for coordinating a number of staff to achieve improvements in teaching and learning.

The Primary Sub School Leader guides classroom teams to implement tier 1 support strategies consistently and with fidelity as the baseline for disengagement and distress intervention.  They also assist with navigating through school systems designed to support student engagement, facilitate use of using relevant documentation to support student engagement and wellbeing and provide advice or recommendations when required.

Please contact: for more information.



Middle Years Sub School Leader

The Middle Years Sub School Leader, leads and manages the day to day operations of the sub school . Their role is to improve the skill, knowledge and performance of the teaching and is responsible for coordinating a number of staff to achieve improvements in teaching and learning.

The Middle Years Sub School Leader also guides classroom teams to implement tier 1 support strategies consistently and with fidelity as the baseline for disengagement and distress intervention.  They also assist with navigating through school systems designed to support student engagement, facilitate use of using relevant documentation to support student engagement and wellbeing and provide advice or recommendations when required.

Please contact: for more information.



Secondary Sub School Leader

The Secondary Sub School Leader, leads and manages the day to day operations of the sub school. Their role is to improve the skill, knowledge and performance of the teaching and is responsible for coordinating a number of staff to achieve improvements in teaching and learning.

The Secondary Sub School Leader also guides classroom teams to implement tier 1 support strategies consistently and with fidelity as the baseline for disengagement and distress intervention.  They also assist with navigating through school systems designed to support student engagement, facilitate use of using relevant documentation to support student engagement and wellbeing and provide advice or recommendations when required.

Please contact:



Learning Specialist

In recognition of the importance of exemplary teaching practice for improved student learning outcomes, the key roles of the Learning Specialist may include but are not limited to:

  • Build staff capacity through coaching and mentoring to deliver effective teaching using high-impact teaching and learning strategies including SW-PBS and Autism Teaching and Learning Strategies at a Tier II level. (0.5)
  • Modelling exemplary classroom practice including through teaching demonstration lessons across the school
  • Providing evidence-based feedback to teaching staff to inform their effectiveness and development
  • Providing expert advice about the content, processes and strategies that will shape individual and school professional learning
  • Demonstrate high-level expertise in teaching and learning practice outside the classroom
  • Build staff capacity through coaching and mentoring to deliver effective teaching using targeted SW-PBS and Autism Teaching and Learning Strategies at an individual Tier III level.
  • Provide support and advice to minimise risks and ensure a safe learning environment is maintained. When immediate support and assistance is required, they will receive a call from the JSA Emergency Number.

Please contact Juri Ives, Katie Scotford, Karla Brown-May as below:

Juri Ives

Email: juri.ilves@education.vic.gov.au


Katie Scotford

Email: katie.scotford@education.vic.gov.au


Karla Brown-May

Email: karla.brown-may@education.vic.gov.au